Pastry Course Day 37: Mango and Panna Cotta Eggs, Apple Spaghetti, Melon Caviar

On this day we learned how you can use new techniques to fool people.

On of the things we made was melon caviar. By dropping a few drops of melon puree in a special gelatin bath the drops become little balls that look like caviar. However, when you eat it it’s melon, but it looks like caviar.

Melon Caviar with Serano Ham
Melon Caviar with Serano Ham

We also made some sort of spaghetti using apple juice. However, apple juice with its see through colour, definitely wasn´t the right choice. It looked a little funny. When using a juice that’s a little thicker you’d get more spaghetti like strings.

Apple juice Spaghetti
Apple juice Spaghetti

The best thing to make which also had the best result was the egg on toast. The toast was a french toast made from brioche. On top of the toast was an little fried egg that consisted of panna cotta for the white part of the egg and mango for the egg yolk.

Mango and Panna Cotta Eggs on French Toast
Mango and Panna Cotta Eggs on French Toast

It was all really fun to do and eat again 🙂
We actually also made some honeycomb, but I forgot to take a picture of that.

It is a shame that you need all kinds of special stuff for these types of experiments, otherwise I’d probably try it some more at home. All in all I really like doing it, even if it may just be for this one time.

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